Cartier Lighter Serial Numbers Check
How Do You Identify an Authentic Cartier Watch? An authentic Cartier watch can be identified by the logo and printing, the inscription on the movement, the construction of the case, the feel of the winding stem, and the quality of the dial. Where Can You Find the Serial Number of a Cartier Watch? How Can You Tell If a Gucci Watch Is. is Media search engine and does not host any files, No media files are indexed hosted cached or stored on our server, They are located on soundcloud and Youtube, We only help you to search the link source to the other server. is not responsible for third party website content. It is illegal for you to distribute copyrighted files without permission. Punjabi boliyan gidha aloo chaat rdb mp3 download. The media files you download with must be for time shifting, personal, private, non commercial use only and remove the files after listening.
This is a short guide on how to quickly determine if your S.T. Dupont Linge (Line) 2 Lighter is authentic. These are the lighters most 'faked' on Ebay. There are also counterfeit Gatsby lighters I have seen on Ebay as well. Usually persons selling have little to no feedback, 100 points or less. A lot are from China, but it isn't hard to setup an account to make it look like your somewhere your not. Also the selling party might not even realize that the lighter is a fake, the Line 2 counterfeit lighters look exactly like real ones, depending on model/design being counterfeited.
If the selling party does not picture the bottom of the lighter, where the serial number is, its Probably fake.
If it looks the the numbers are lined up perfectly, if they are engraved, its fake. ST Dupont stamps their lighters with numbers not aligned in a straight line, some numbers looking higher or lower then others. Counterfeited line 2 have serials engraved in a straight line. Even if your lighter doesn't look like one of the lighters pictured below it still could be fake. Fakes change on a regular basis to try to keep up with ST Dupont.

Top gold lighter is Authentic, bottom silver color is FAKE
Some new Fake ST Duponts now have a Chinese lacquer leaf on the bottom. If you compare to a leaf from an authentic ST Dupont, it differs.
Its also possible to place a fake ST Dupont lighter, in a genuine box. I have seen it done several times on Ebay.
The insert in the gift boxes have sharply raised angled edges, genuine boxes have only very slightly raised edges, almost hard to notice in most pictures. Also you can notice the color difference, though my camera isn't perfect when representing true color.
All pictures the box to the left is genuine
Counterfeit Line 2 lighters are heavier then real ones.
If there is no paint underneath the Cap for the refill valve, its almost definitely fake, though its possible to be a replacement with no color dot. All Line 2 Lighters have a yellow paint dot underneath the cap of the refill valve representing to use the gold Dupont Butane refill can (see picture below). If it comes with a brass butane adapter (unless it screws in) its probably Counterfeit. You should need to screw in the butane canister refill, and we (as well as ST Dupont) recommend to only use Dupont Butane gas in ALL ST Dupont Lighters.
Real S.T. Line 2 lighters now retail for over $700, most $900 retail. If it NEW and cheap, its probably fake. If selling party calls it anything but 'ST Dupont' then its probably a fake lighter. Sellers do this to get around ebays keyword check.
The Sound when the lighter is opened should be a pleasant lasting sound, in my experience the Ping sound dulls with use. The counterfeit ST Dupont makes an awful metallic 'cling' which differs greatly from a real ST Dupont ping sound.
There is a screw holding a metal plate inside the top of the lid that can become loose. If you have a used ST Dupont its possible somebody has removed it to prevent it from ruining the sound of the lid when opened. If you hear a rattling when lifting lid then it could be this plate coming loose. All you need is a small flat head screw driver to tighten it. Though be very careful not to scratch anything while you are in there. Also turn down the flame adjuster as much as possible before sticking your face directly over the butane valve.
Cartier Lighter Serial Numbers Check Number
In 1847, Louis-Francois Cartier took over the jewelry shop in Paris where he had been an apprentice to Adophe Picard. The Cartier brand slowly began to gain notice and in 1856, Princess Mathilde (a cousin to Napoleon) made her first purchase from the Cartier store. Cartier released the first jewelry watch in a bracelet style for women in 1888. Since that time, Cartier watches have remained a popular luxury item for both men and women. There are a few ways to identify the model of a Cartier watch.
Software Serial Numbers
Place the watch facedown on a soft surface, such as a clean towel.
Look for two series of numbers on the back of the watch case.
Find the four-digit number on the back of the watch case. This is the model number. The eight-digit number with letters is the serial number. Both numbers are used to identify the Cartier model.
Look up the model number in a reference book of Cartier watches, available at your local library, a bookstore or online. How to re cook crack resin. An example of such a book is 'Cartier–Watch Catalog.' You also can go to a website–such as Orbita or About Time–that lists Cartier model numbers or serial numbers to correctly identify the watch.